Thursday, July 27, 2006

Your Table Is Ready

Today's check up with the doctor went well. My blood counts are back in the normal ranges, which is great. My CT simulation appointment for radiation has been scheduled for September 12th. I asked my oncologist when daily radiation is likely to start, and she said it would be about 3 or 4 weeks after my last chemo appointment as all of the drugs should be out of my system by then.

Today's appointment came with the usual two hour wait. It's not really that surprising when the stats indicate that 1 in every 2 people will get cancer at some point in their's a busy place. So, for some inventor out there looking for a new idea, I suggest inventing a disc, similar to the one you get in a restaurant that let's you know when your table is ready, except, the disc would tell you when the doctor is ready to see you. You wouldn't be able to take off to go shopping in the mall or anything but at least you wouldn't be paranoid that your name was going to be called when you have to go to the bathroom or get something to eat. Let me know what you come up with...I'll only take a small cut of the profit.



Anonymous said...


Believe it or not, due to all of the recent privacy legislation, the chemo suite is doing exactly that!

They are going to a new system - you'll receive your disc and get "vibrated" when it's your turn.

Apparently, they need to stop coming out and calling people's names.

Just be careful where you keep your disc!


Anonymous said...

My dear KIM,
so glad your tests have turned out ok.
You certainly had a wonderful holiday, with perfect weather too.
Today is such amixed day , but at least it's a lot cooler.
I'M thinking of you now, as i know you've been through another treatment.I pray that everything went well as i know it did.
praying for you always,and sending my love to all