Friday, June 16, 2006

Scheduled Power Outage

I think I've got the pre-chemo routine down to a 'T' now. It's like preparing for a power outage every three weeks but it's just my power outage while the rest of the world continues on.

1. Check the calendar to see what birthday parties or other events are coming up in the next week and buy gifts, cards etc.
2. Figure out what recipes for Barb to make on Monday and buy groceries (don't forget two bags of milk).
3. Clean the house.
4. Pack knapsack for trip to Cancer Clinic. Include binder, iPod, magazines, snacks, water and DVD of choice.
5. Put Emla cream on to freeze port site. Bring drugs.

Today's power outage is scheduled for 1:45pm.



Anonymous said...

DEAR KIM, what a lovely schedule! what do you do in your spare time? thinking of you always LOVE TO ONE AND ALL NAN

Anonymous said...


Once again, thanks for the important tips that I am sure to use in the near future.

I hope your 4th round went well.
